How to Secure a Scholarship to Study Abroad in Germany

How to Secure a Scholarship to Study Abroad in Germany

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Studying abroad can be a great life experience filled with learning, adventure, and self-growth. And while it can be expensive to study in a foreign country, there are many scholarships available that can help you finance your international education. If studying abroad in Germany is your dream, then learning about scholarship opportunities and securing one is an important step in making that dream come true.

In this article, we will explore the ways to secure a scholarship to study abroad in Germany. We will highlight the different resources you can use to search for suitable scholarship programs and the steps needed to make your scholarship application process as successful as possible.

Step by Step Guide to Applying for a Scholarship to Study Abroad in Germany

Securing a scholarship if you want to study abroad in Germany can be a difficult challenge. Luckily, it is possible to get help from many sources, as the German government offers a wide range of scholarships to international students.

If you want to find out more about the various undergraduate, postgraduate and research scholarships available to study in Germany, then keep reading our step by step guide to find out more!

Step 1: Get Familiar with Available Scholarships

Before applying for any scholarship, make sure to first do your research. Check what is available and decide which type of scholarship is best suited for you. For example, if you are an international student considering postgraduate study in Germany, then you may be eligible to apply for the ‘Deutschlandstipendium’.

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Step 2: Meet Eligibility Requirements

To apply for a scholarship to study abroad in Germany, you must first meet the eligibility requirements set by the program. Common requirements include having a certain level of academic excellence and also being able to prove that you have sufficient funds to cover your living costs while in Germany.

Step 3: Submit Required Application Material

Make sure to submit all of the required application documents as outlined by the scholarship program. These could include a completed application form, CV, letters of recommendation, or proof of language proficiency.

Step 4: Prepare for Interview or Test

Some scholarship programs may require applicants to take a language test or sit an interview. Make sure to be prepared for the test and ask if there are any materials you should review before hand.

Step 5: Wait for a Response

The last thing you need to do is wait for a response! This can be a bit nerve-wracking, but it is important to stay positive as the outcome could be very positive in the long run.

Types of Scholarships to Study in Germany

Types of Scholarships to Study in Germany

Germany is considered one of the most attractive destinations to study abroad these days. With its universities providing quality education, expert faculty, and a culturally rich environment, there is no surprise why potential students from around the world are drawn to Germany for their higher studies. One of the major components for anyone studying abroad is the funding, so in this article, let us discuss the different types of scholarships that are available for studying in Germany.

Government Scholarships

Government-sponsored and funded programs are some of the most popular options to get fully or partially funded education. The German Federal Foreign Office provides such scholarship programs, which gives financial assistance to international students who are planning to study in German universities. The programme, called DAAD Scholarship Programme offers scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in all university fields on a university course of your choice. Besides, there are other national and international scholarships offered by German Federal States which are worth exploring based on the students’ individual circumstances.

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University Scholarships

Most universities in Germany offer a series of scholarships that are available for international students. These are in various forms such as tuition fee waivers or a specific amount of money awarded by the university to the student. All the details of the available scholarships should be discussed to the prospective university’s student office, offering information about the amount or duration of the period the scholarship can be availed for.

Private Scholarships and Fellowships

There exists various private-funded scholarships, especially for international students who are looking for financial assistance in Germany. These funds are generally government-independent, and most of them are awarded based on the level of excellence in a specific field of education/career. Many NGOs and organisations, such as DAAD, offer such funds, which should be explored thoroughly.

Other Scholarships

There are several other sources for scholarships for international students, which are more independent of their country of origin. List of such amazing resources are as follows:

  • Erasmus program
  • Overseas Citizen of India Scheme
  • Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Programme
  • UK Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan
  • Marshall Scholarships for US citizens

Checklist for Applying for a Scholarship in Germany

Are you looking to study abroad in Germany? There are many scholarships available for international students seeking to improve their educational prospects. To ensure you adhere to the application requirements and maximize your chances of receiving a scholarship, you should target universities that will provide a programme of study that aligns with your interests and objectives. Nursing, engineering, and business Masters degrees are among the most popular courses in Germany. To make sure you have everything in order for your scholarship application, the following steps will help you prepare before submitting it.

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Things You Need to Do Before Applying:

  • Make sure your qualifications meet the requirements for the courses you are interested in.
  • Be prepared to provide evidence of your academic aptitude and aspirations.
  • Provide written proof of your ability to pay for any necessary tuition or accommodation costs.
  • Compile a list of references from any applicable mentors or support networks who can speak to your suitability for the course.
  • Focus on exhibiting your personal qualities and skills that will lead to success in the course.
  • Ensure you have included official documents and an up-to-date CV.

After these steps, you can finally submit your scholarship application and wait for a response. Make sure you follow up with the receiver of your application to see whether it has been processed properly.


Securing a scholarship to study abroad in Germany is an exciting opportunity that requires considerable preparation and research. The main elements of the process start with identifying your qualifications and researching the range of scholarship options available. To be successful, you should make sure you have the necessary qualifications and stay updated on the latest scholarship information and its application deadlines. With the right approach, you can find the scholarship that best fits your academic needs and interests.

The scholarship opportunities available for studying abroad in Germany are immense. Taking the time to review and understand them is an important step in reaching your academic and professional goals. With the right amount of research, you can apply for a scholarship and successfully secure an opportunity to learn and grow in Germany.

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